Leah Rosen

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About Leah Rosen

Leah Rosen is a writer for Best Money Moves. Her focus is financial stress among workers, financial wellness in the workplace, as well as many other HR and benefits issues.

10 Easy Ways to Improve Your Office Culture

By |December 26th, 2017|Categories: Featured - For Employers|Tags: , |

You can usually tell during the interview process whether or not a candidate will be a “good fit” for your team and office culture. But building a positive office culture is about more than just hiring people with a certain [...]

5 Reasons Your Employees Ignore their Benefits

By |December 21st, 2017|Categories: For Employers|Tags: , |

According to a 2017 report by Chestnut Global Partners, an international provider of Employee Assistance Programs, less than 7 percent of employees in North America fully utilize the benefits offered by their employer. Underutilized benefits don't just affect the employee. [...]

How to Make it Through the Holidays, Financially Stress-Free

By |December 6th, 2017|Categories: For Employers|Tags: , |

The weeks and months leading up to the winter holidays are stressful enough with employees making travel plans, shopping for gifts and cramming to meet deadlines before the holidays arrive. But when financial concerns enter the mix, it’s hard to [...]