The Best Money Moves Coaches
Free. Confidential. Ready when you are.
Best Money Moves Coaches are a team of NFCC-certified professional financial coaches (Navicor Solutions) available via phone hotline, who help people address tough financial issues.
Simply dial the number located in the top left corner of your Best Money Moves account and be connected to a coach. Money Coaches will not try to sell you anything and whatever you discuss with a coach is kept entirely confidential.

What can money coaches help me with?
Money Coaches are experts in solving real-world financial problems. They’re accredited by the National Foundation for Consumer Credit, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the federal Bankruptcy Court.
Call them to talk about:
- Building a budget or managing your monthly bills.
- Managing card debt, student loan debt, auto loans and more.
- Filing for bankruptcy.
- Paying off medical bills.
- Caring for a dependent relative.
- Planning for retirement.
Money coaches can not discuss investments or offer investment advice, but are available to help with a wide array of other difficult financial topics.

How do i reserve my session?
No reservations needed. Simply call, whenerver you’re ready: Money Coaches are available: Monday – Friday, 8:30AM to 10:30PM Eastern Standard Time, Saturday 9AM to 8PM EST and Sunday, 9AM to 7Pm EST.

Will my employer know that i called?
The Money Coach system is designed so that the only person who will know your financial details is the Money Coach. For tracking purposes, your employer may be alerted to the fact someone has called the line and what the primary reason was for your call but can never find out who called or when the call was placed.
Still have questions? Contact the Best Money Moves customer support team at: customersupport@bestmoneymoves.com

Check your Credi Score with Best Money Moves
Free. Confidential. Ready when you are.
Millions of Americans don’t know the state of their credit scores, but thanks to Best Money Moves, keeping track of your credit is about to get a whole lot easier.
We’ve developed a credit score tool that’s safe, easy-to-use and confidential. Log in to your Best Money Moves account, to check your VantageScore 3.0 from Equifax for free.

How do i check my credit score?
Check your credit score for free, simply by logging into your Best Money Moves account on your mobile device or desktop computer. You’ll notice a blue box in the top left corner of your user dashboard labeled “Get my Credit Score.”
After clicking the box, you will be asked to provide some straightforward personal information. The, we’ll take it from there and connect your VantageScore 3.0 from Equifax to your Best Money Moves Account.
That’s it! (Really.) Once enabled, your credit score will be updated automatically every month.

Will checking my credit score through Best Money Moves impact my score at all?
We’re happy to report that checking your credit score through Best Money Moves will not impact your score in any way.

Will my employer be able to see my credit score?
All information on your employee dashboard is private – and that includes your credit score.
For tracking purposes, your employer may see an overall average of all the credit scores measured on Best Money Moves, But they will never see individual score data related to your name.
Still have questions? Contact the Best Money Moves customer support team at: customersupport@bestmoneymoves.com