Growing Late Bloomers From Inc. Magazine
Head over to Inc. Magazine’s website to read the full article and learn how to protect yourself if you plan to start a business towards the end of your career.
To read the article, click here.
5 Surprising Symptoms of Financial Stress (And 5 Helpful Solutions) Read it here.
Head over to Inc. Magazine’s website to read the full article and learn how to protect yourself if you plan to start a business towards the end of your career.
To read the article, click here.
But they don’t. Because they’re broke:
Best Money Moves is a different sort of financial wellness program because the only thing we’re trying to do is help your employees. We’re trying to help them understand where their personal finance pain points are, and how they can solve those problems to relieve the crushing financial stress they’re under. To do that, we use cool tools, easy-to-use and understand information, and we add money coaches, so that your employees have a real person to turn to who is trained to help you find ways to fix your budget and get your debt paid down faster. All they have to do is click the number in the top left hand of their Employee Dashboard.
You see, we measure financial stress because we know that’s what’s keeping your employees from being more productive, happier and engaged at work. We know that’s what is causing a big part of your retention problems. And we believe financial stress is tied to poorer health outcomes.
As our founder, Ilyce Glink likes to say, “When you’re stressed, you get sick and when you’re stressed about money you get even sicker.”
Contact us today to find out more about Best Money Moves and how to bring this innovative solution to your employees.
For most employees, financial wellness translates into a 401(k) program with perhaps a side dish of information about why you should open up a health savings account (HSA).
It feels sort of meager, like a plate of diet food. But it isn’t that your company doesn’t care about you and your personal finances – they do. But most so-called “financial wellness” programs actually fall into one of two categories: (1) They’re trying to sell you something (that most employees can’t actually afford); and (2) they’re trying to get more assets under management.
Best Money Moves is a different sort of financial wellness program because we’re built around the idea that if you solve employees’ pain points – problems that are causing a lack of focus, falling productivity and retention, and higher health care costs – then employees will be happier, healthier and more engaged overall.
Our program offers a number of features we think will help employees better understand and manage their personal finances, including:
Financial wellness programs are great – if they work. Best Money Moves will work to bring down your level of financial stress, and make you a happier, more engaged partner in your professional success. Contact us today for a quote!
Debt, shopping cravings you can’t control, loans that wind up costing more than you thought, and being unable to pay your bills at the end of the month – all of these events (and more) make us feel like life is spiraling out of control.
The best way to regain control of your finances is to build a budget. Put yourself on a money diet – which means you have to make some relatively unpleasant choices so that your spending is much more in line with your income.
And while it’s much more fun to just whip out your credit card, debit card, or phone and pay for the next meal or round of drinks, there’s a very real cost associated with that behavior – kind of like a hangover, it’s no fun to face a budget that’s way out of control the next morning.
So here’s what most people do when facing their own personal financial crisis – they bury their head in the sand and pretend like it isn’t going on. And, then they get stuck.
You don’t have to be stuck. You don’t have to feel as though the debt that’s weighing you down is going to be there forever. Because it doesn’t have to be.
You can get your budget back under control by making a few tiny (though tough) choices and sticking with it. It’s like a money diet.
The diet metaphor works because what you’re doing is putting yourself on a spending diet. You’re only going to spend the minimum you can in order to nurse yourself back to full financial health. We know you can do it: You can build a budget and get your finances back under control.
Best Money Moves can help. We have terrific, easy-to-use and understand tools and information that will guide you through each move, along with our Stressometer(R), which can help you figure out what’s causing the most financial stress right now. And if all seems overwhelming, you can call one of our nonprofit Money Coaches for personal, one-on-one guidance.
Imagine that. Help from someone real, who will pick up the phone when you call, and guide you through the toughest period of your financial life. And, it’s all part of the Best Money Moves program.
If your colleagues are in financial trouble, show this to your employer. Ask them to add Best Money Moves to the company’s financial wellness offerings. Our program is affordable, comprehensive and features award-winning information from some of the most distinguished financial writers and authors.
Best Money Moves. We can help! Contact us today for a quote.
Making ends meet remains a daily struggle for women, millennials, African-Americans, Hispanics and those without a high school education, according to the National Financial Capability Study (NFCS) published by Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).
That means your employee are suffering from the effects of now knowing how to manage the income you pay them, running up extraordinary amounts of debt, and the high emotional costs of expenses they haven’t planned for, including cars and mechanical systems that break down, health care costs (including from high-deductible health care plans), and aging relatives.
Two-thirds of North American employers offer their workers financial education, according to a new report from the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans (IFEBP) in Brookfield, Wisconsin.
Even so, nearly half of organizations rate their workforce as only a little bit or not at all financially savvy. According to the IEFBP’s report, “Financial Education for Today’s Workforce: 2016 Survey Results,” employers are reporting more financial challenges among employees today than five years ago and are seeing these challenges reflected in the day-to-day operations of their workplace.
The report, which includes responses from organizations in the U.S. and Canada revealed that employees are struggling financially and are stressed over:
Financial stress is causing all sorts of issues for employees, which in turn cause headaches for employers. According to another study, “Finding the Links Between Retirement, Stress and Health,” published by Lockton Retirement Services, highly or moderately-stressed employees are much more likely to miss work and be less productive.
According to the executive summary, financial stress finds its way to the workplace in the forms of illness, absenteeism, and decreased productivity. Respondents with high levels of stress were more than four times as likely to suffer from symptoms of fatigue, headache, depression, or other ailments. They were also twice as likely to report poor health overall.
Often, this group would be absent or disengaged from their work. They were twice as likely to use sick time when they were not ill and more likely to report being nonproductive. Half of all respondents reported using work time to review financial statements or pay bills. Those with lower levels of savings felt especially distracted; 10 percent of people with less than $100,000 in assets said their work productivity suffered a great deal due to financial stress.
If you’re worried about how financial stress is affecting your workforce, call us. Best Money Moves measures and dials down financial stress. You’ll see a more productive, empowered and healthier workforce as a result.