Everything You Need To Know About AI-Driven Benefits Solutions

Everything You Need To Know About AI-Driven Benefits Solutions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a term reserved for science fiction — it’s here and the corporate world is taking advantage. According to Microsoft’s 2024 work trend index, 70% of employees use AI at work in some capacity.

The applications of artificial intelligence are varied. The most popular use of artificial intelligence is generative. This type of intelligence takes user prompts and provides “original” content based on an enormous database. Other organizations rely on AI to perform automation or data aggregation.

But the true scope of AI is yet to be seen. Even now, AI companies compete to see who can develop the most efficient consumer model.

From writing prompts to code bases, the true extent of AI’s creative opportunities is still unknown. However, it’s important to understand how AI is helping employees today and how you can leverage these solutions to strengthen your benefits program.

Here is everything you need to know about AI and its current applications for HR.

1. AI solutions help companies solve small issues

Companies leverage AI to perform difficult tasks that might be too time-intensive for a team. Though AI may seem like a complex solution for complex problems, most employees have comparatively much simpler needs. A Gallup study found that of the employees who use AI, nearly half have it handle routine tasks.  

This includes everything from writing emails to creating daily to-do lists. Given a prompt, chatbots are efficient at generating ideas or outlining information. AI can also take over repetitive tasks, like data entry or scheduling.

In this way, employees can perform daily tasks more quickly and save valuable time. For businesses, saving time means saving money — as employees can focus their energy on more high-value tasks. 

2. Personal finance is easier with AI

Financial stress is on the rise, due to a myriad of political and socioeconomic factors. As cost of living increases, employees are looking to alternative methods of dealing with the uncertainty. According to a Capital One survey, 73% of Americans say finances are their number one stress.

In response, artificial intelligence has emerged as a powerful tool for alleviating financial stress. Budgeting apps, investment help and debt management tools may be the catalyst many need to jump-start their personal finance journey.

Creating a budget is time-consuming, especially if someone has no prior experience. A simple AI prompt can provide a detailed plan in a fraction of the time. These tools can even factor in a user’s current expenses, goals and investments.

And AI is becoming an even more popular way to handle this economic crisis. Half of the respondents in EBRI’s 2024 Workplace Wellness Survey agreed that they were comfortable using AI to manage personal finances.

3. AI solutions make data easier to interpret

For businesses, analyzing large amounts of data is key to making informed decisions. However, examining these datasets may lead to human error. Human mistakes may skew results or provide incorrect conclusions. 

Artificial intelligence can accurately determine current patterns based on an input, and even predict future trends. This is especially useful for managers or employees working in finance or marketing. Risk assessment, consumer behavior and strategic planning are all areas where AI can be used. 

Developing a business strategy becomes much more streamlined with AI, as much of the manual work is removed, leaving the space for high-level decision-making.

4. AI is transforming the healthcare industry

Healthcare providers are already using artificial intelligence to improve lives. While doctors will never be replaced by AI, many of the smaller administrative tasks in hospitals can be delegated, saving time and money for employees.

Treatment and diagnosis are key areas where AI can help. For example, patients can ask common medical questions and receive preliminary answers before seeing a doctor. Tools like these make quality healthcare more efficient and affordable.

AI has also been used in research to develop life-saving drugs and provide treatment options. Advancements in radiology, for example, have led to AI-powered tools that show abnormalities in X-Rays and MRIs.

Looking for a financial wellness program with powerful AI tools?

Best Money Moves is an AI-driven, mobile-first financial wellness solution designed to help employees with varying levels of financial knowledge dial down their most top-of-mind financial stresses. As an easy-to-use financial well-being solution, Best Money Moves offers comprehensive support toward any money-related goal, ranging from debt management to purchasing a home. With 1:1 money coaching, budgeting tools and other resources, our AI-driven platform is designed to help bolster employee financial wellbeing.

To learn more about Best Money Moves Financial Wellness Platform, let’s schedule a call. Contact us and we’ll reach out to you soon.

Employee Caregivers Need Support. This Is How to Offer It

Employee Caregivers Need Support. This Is How to Offer It

Research from Harvard Business Review reveals more than 70% of employees are caregivers in some capacity. Caregiving encompasses everything from basic childcare to supporting elderly family members.

And this silent majority desperately needs support. Along with their responsibilities at work, these employee caregivers spend between 20 to 30 hours addressing the needs of their loved ones. The costs associated with caregiving practices can also add to these employees’ financial stress, which can affect their mental health and performance on the job.

Here are the three top ways to leverage your benefits to help your employees with their caregiving needs.

1. Communicate with employee caregivers to help inform your benefits decisions

The best way to understand what your employee caregivers need is simple — ask them directly. Using surveys and in-person conversations, get a sense of what your workforce struggles with to better inform how to shape your benefits package. It can also be beneficial to conduct competitor research to see how other companies handle benefits.

Paired with collecting data is creating a culture where caregivers are supported. Ensure your employees are familiar with all of the resources available to them. Orientation and onboarding are great ways to start the conversation, while monthly emails and flyers help continue it. Employee caregivers who don’t use their benefits might be unaware or intimidated by how complex they can be.

2. Flexible benefits are key to supporting caregivers

No strategy can be one size fits all because caregivers’ needs vary widely. To best support all of your employees, consider including flexible benefits in your compensation package. These benefits include shared time off, PTO, unlimited vacation and remote or hybrid work. Flexible work schedules allow employees to balance their work and life responsibilities more effectively while limiting stress and burnout. According to AARP, 84% of employee caregivers find flexible schedules “very helpful.”

To go above and beyond for your workforce, you may also want to provide caregiver-specific benefits.

These include but are not limited to:

All of these programs provide necessary support to caregivers that may not be readily available. Government assistance, such as EAPs, have resources that include counseling, assessments and consultations, which all have their benefits for caregivers.

Not all companies have the bandwidth to support these measures, but those that put an emphasis on their caregiving employees can help that much more. And when employees see their workplaces care for their needs, they are more likely to stay engaged and productive.

3. Offer financial wellness tools to ease the burden of caregivers

Balancing the responsibilities of life and a full-time job can be difficult, but the financial strain it puts on employees can be crippling. No matter what the caregiving entails, there are likely significant costs associated.

Costs include but are not limited to:

  • Transportation
  • Medical equipment
  • Home accessibility modifications
  • Housing

These costs add up quickly and put a major dent in monthly expenses. A 2024 AARP poll found that one-third of caregivers in Vermont feel financially strained by their caregiving responsibilities.

The answer to these financial concerns is a comprehensive financial wellness program. Financial wellness programs offer personalized solutions to the most common money stresses.

Educational resources, advisors and budgeting tools all come stock-standard with great wellness programs and are proven to help ease the burden of financial stress. Many wellness programs are also personalized to fit employee needs and offer support specific to their situations.

Are you looking for a financial wellness solution that supports caregivers? Try Best Money Moves!

Best Money Moves is an AI-driven, mobile-first financial wellness solution designed to help employees with varying levels of financial knowledge dial down their most top-of-mind financial stresses. As an easy-to-use financial well-being solution, Best Money Moves offers comprehensive support toward any money-related goal, ranging from debt management to purchasing a home. With 1:1 money coaching, budgeting tools and other resources, our AI-driven platform is designed to help bolster employee financial wellbeing.

To learn more about Best Money Moves Financial Wellness Platform, let’s schedule a call. Contact us and we’ll reach out to you soon.

Financial Wellness Spotlight: 4 Surprising Reasons Educators Need Support

Financial Wellness Spotlight: 4 Surprising Reasons Educators Need Support

Teachers are trusted with shaping the minds of the next generation. But behind the scenes, many struggle with financial wellness, which impacts job performance and well-being.

A Stanford-led study revealed that nearly half of teachers surveyed were frequently anxious about their finances, compared to only 17% of the general population. Another study showed that teachers experiencing financial anxiety were 50% more likely to leave their jobs within two years as well as having worse attendance records. Both of these could negatively affect student performance.

With teachers’ financial burdens mounting, financial wellness programs are essential. However, many teachers do not get the help they need. According to RAND Corporation, about 35 percent of teachers report that they do not have access to or are unaware of employer-provided mental and financial health supports.

Here are four reasons why financial wellness programs like Best Money Moves are vital for educators.

1. Educators often struggle more with financial wellness than professionals in other industries

On the whole, educators may experience higher levels of financial stress than other professionals. This trend may be due to a number of factors including lower salaries, rising inflation and the added burden of classroom expenses. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 94% of teachers report spending their own money on classroom supplies. Additionally, inflation-adjusted earnings show that, adjusted for inflation, teachers are bring home $2,179 less per year than they did a decade ago.

Because of stagnant salaries, educators face challenges not only in managing their daily finances but also in planning for larger expenses. This financial pressure can lead to high levels of stress, which negatively affects their ability to focus and teach.

A targeted financial wellness program like Best Money Moves resources and tools to help teachers navigate their finances. Best Money Moves includes a “Stressometer,” an interactive measurement tool that gauges financial stress. It then offers personalized suggestions to resolve the user’s financial issues.

2. Financial education can help teachers understand their unique retirement and health insurance plans

Teachers also have unique and complex retirement and health insurance plans that can be difficult to navigate. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, roughly 90% of public school teachers are enrolled in defined-benefit pension plans, which guarantee a set retirement payout. However, only about half of teachers remain in the profession long enough to qualify for full pension benefits. Many educators do not understand how their pension plan works and therefore do not take full advantage of it.

Health insurance costs are another area where teachers often face significant financial stress. Since 2018, the average monthly premium educators pay for health insurance has risen faster than their salary increases. Because of these high costs and their low salary, nearly half a million teachers do not have access to health insurance, compounding their financial difficulties.

3. Financial wellness programs can help with teachers’ student loan debt

Student debt is easily one of the largest problems most educators face. According to a survey by Study.com, roughly a quarter of all teachers have more than $40,000 in federal student loan debt and 23% have between $30,000 and $40,000. This debt can easily take a decade to pay off, which could potentially be even more difficult given teachers’ lower salary.

The financial burden of student debt is a major contributor to teachers’ turnover rate. 71% of teachers with student loan debt are considering quitting due to financial stress. However, through effective budgeting and student loan management, these stresses can become more manageable.

4. Because some teachers are only paid seasonally, budgeting tools help their financial wellness by accounting for their irregular income

Because most educators only teach during the school year, it can be very difficult for them to budget effectively. Many educators are only paid during the school year, leaving them without income over the summer months. As a result, one in five teachers takes on a second job during the summer to make ends meet.

However, this time off isn’t entirely free from responsibility. Nearly all teachers continue to work informally over the summer, preparing their classrooms or purchasing supplies, which can put further strain on their finances.

Financial wellness programs like Best Money Moves offer budgeting tools that can help teachers manage their finances throughout the year. These tools can help teachers create effective plans for saving during the school year to cover expenses in the summer months when they are not receiving a paycheck. By providing tailored budgeting advice, financial wellness programs can help educators achieve financial stability.

Looking for the right wellness benefit in 2025? Try Best Money Moves.

Best Money Moves is an AI-driven, mobile-first financial wellness solution designed to help employees with varying levels of financial knowledge dial down their most top-of-mind financial stresses. As an easy-to-use financial well-being solution, Best Money Moves offers comprehensive support toward any money-related goal, ranging from debt management to purchasing a home. With 1:1 money coaching, budgeting tools and other resources, our AI-driven platform is designed to help bolster employee financial wellbeing.

To learn more about Best Money Moves Financial Wellness Platform, let’s schedule a call. Contact us and we’ll reach out to you soon.

Employee Wellness Programs: Here’s How to Actually Measure Success

Employee Wellness Programs: Here’s How to Actually Measure Success

Studies show that top talent want employers who support their overall well-being — even if that means leaving their current job to meet their needs.

So, in today’s job market, employee wellness programs have become more of a “must have” (rather than a “nice-to-have”) to attract and retain top employees. Yet, even for companies that have invested in employee wellness programs, it can be difficult to define and measure success.

Learn how best-in-class employers define success for their employee wellness programs and capture positive returns on investment (ROI).

Employee well-being includes physical, mental and financial wellness

Employee health and well-being goes beyond the physical body. It also includes mental, emotional and financial wellness. To attract and retain top talent, leading employers have taken a holistic approach to wellness.

Instead of focusing only on physical healthcare, employers of choice curate a full suite of benefits to support employees’ mental and financial well-being. Popular additions include meditation apps and monthly budgeting tools.

Every workforce is different. So be sure to adopt employee wellness benefits that resonate most with your team’s unique needs.

How to measure the ROI of employee wellness programs

To evaluate the success of an employee wellness program, first decide which data points matter to your team. These data points help HR track benefits utilization, measure employee satisfaction and allocate benefits spending. Each company may have its key data points. However, popular examples include attrition rates, benefits utilization or the number of healthcare claims submitted.

Once you have chosen your priority data, track these key numbers over time. Taking a data-driven approach to wellness helps HR leaders draw actionable conclusions on how to meet employee needs.

Investing in employee wellness programs can yield benefits and ROI, such as:

    Lower healthcare cost savings for employees & employers.

    According to Harvard Business Review, Dr. Richard Milani and Dr. Carl Lavie performed a study exploring the ROI of employee wellness programs. In their research, employees (without heart conditions) were given expert resources to improve their cardiovascular health.

    As a result of this employee wellness program, about 60% of employee participants were able to reduce their health risk status from high to low. Results included many health improvements, such as lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels and reduced trouble breathing.

    In addition, Dr. Milani and Dr. Lavie found that for each $1 invested into this employee wellness program, companies yielded a savings of $6 in healthcare costs.

    At the same time, employees also benefited from fewer healthcare costs, doctor’s visits and copays.

    Positive branding and competitive edge in the job market

    Employers of choice have found that investing in employee wellness programs can reap more than just financial reward. Having a robust employee benefits package goes a long way in attracting and retaining top talent.

    Employees want a workplace that cares about their overall well-being — physical, financial or emotional. By investing in employee wellness, companies can meet employees’ most pressing needs, while also differentiating themselves from competitors.

    Increased productivity due to lower financial stress.  

    Money continues to be a leading stressor for most Americans. When employees are faced with chronic stress, it can begin to impact their overall well-being and productivity. According to PwC, 1 in 3 full-time employees say their money worries have impacted their work.

    Chronic stress can lead to certain health conditions, such as anxiety, depression and even burnout.

    To help address employee money worries, consider investing in financial wellness resources, such as financial education and debt management tools.

    By investing in employees’ financial wellness, companies can reap impactful gains. Financial wellness is connected to increased employee engagement, productivity rates and an improved organizational bottom line.

    Looking for the right wellness benefit in 2025? Try Best Money Moves.

    Best Money Moves is an AI-driven, mobile-first financial wellness solution designed to help employees with varying levels of financial knowledge dial down their most top-of-mind financial stresses. As an easy-to-use financial well-being solution, Best Money Moves offers comprehensive support toward any money-related goal, ranging from debt management to purchasing a home. With 1:1 money coaching, budgeting tools and other resources, our AI-driven platform is designed to help bolster employee financial wellbeing.

    To learn more about Best Money Moves Financial Wellness Platform, let’s schedule a call. Contact us and we’ll reach out to you soon.

    Employee Stress in 2025: 4 Unexpected Takeaways, Direct from Workers

    Employee Stress in 2025: 4 Unexpected Takeaways, Direct from Workers

    New research on employee stress has revealed useful insights to incorporate into your company’s benefit program. EBRI’s 2024 Workplace Wellness Survey interviewed over 1,500 American employees and uncovered surprising trends that could shape workplace wellness strategies in 2025 and beyond.

    Above all, employees hope to improve their financial lives to secure their future. Depending on the individual, this could mean anything from contributing to their retirement to getting out of debt. However, one throughline remains — when it comes to relieving employee stress, many employees are looking to their employers to provide the necessary educational resources.

    Here are four takeaways from the EBRI survey and what they mean for your company.

    Saving for retirement is top of mind for employees

    According to the survey, if given $600 to put toward any financial accounts, the majority of employees would choose to contribute to their retirement savings. A solid retirement fund contributes to a secure future and improves overall well-being. However, nearly 20% of respondents had used funds from their retirement to pay for emergencies.

    Without a dedicated emergency fund, employees may borrow from their future, adding to their financial stress. While a comfortable retirement is the goal, unforeseen expenses can put a wrench in those plans.

    Employers can help by offering a variety of retirement plan options and providing matching contributions. Additionally, extensive education or workshops on retirement planning and budgeting can empower employees to make informed decisions and maximize their savings.

    Employers must provide educational resources to relieve employee stress

    Forty percent of the employees surveyed expressed a desire for tools to learn more about personal finance. Financial education comes in many forms, and the types of questions employees have often depend on demographics and life experiences.

    According to the EBRI survey, the most popular subject employees were interested in was retirement planning (42%). This was followed by building emergency savings (34%) and learning to budget effectively (33%).

    Financial wellness programs help answer burning questions with comprehensive educational resources catered to your employees’ needs. Access to customized tools and accessible content can bridge knowledge gaps and reduce financial stress among workers.

    Workers find financial wellness programs useful for employee stress

    Nearly 90% of workers surveyed claimed that the financial wellness programs their employers offered were at least somewhat helpful in achieving their goals. 40% said financial wellness programs have become more important to offer in the past year. Finally, nearly eight in 10 respondents claimed that these programs contributed positively to their feeling of financial security.

    These programs can include everything from budgeting tools and debt management workshops to resources for investing and planning for major life events. Employers should prioritize making these programs accessible, engaging, and tailored to the needs of their workforce.

    AI financial management tools are becoming more popular

    The use of artificial intelligence is quickly becoming more mainstream. This trend is consistent among employees. Nearly 60% of respondents felt comfortable using AI at work, and many are turning to AI as a tool to manage their finances.

    Personalized recommendations and automated financial planning can be powerful tools for your employees. According to a survey from Experian, 67% of Gen Z and 62% of millennial respondents used artificial intelligence to help with personal finance tasks.

    This is an area with growth opportunities. AI can help employees identify potential savings, monitor spending habits and achieve financial goals. Employers should consider integrating AI-driven financial tools into their wellness programs to stay ahead of this growing trend.

    Looking for the right wellness benefit in 2025? Try Best Money Moves.

    Best Money Moves is an AI-driven, mobile-first financial wellness solution designed to help employees with varying levels of financial knowledge dial down their most top-of-mind financial stresses. As an easy-to-use financial well-being solution, Best Money Moves offers comprehensive support toward any money-related goal, ranging from debt management to purchasing a home. With 1:1 money coaching, budgeting tools and other resources, our AI-driven platform is designed to help bolster employee financial wellbeing.

    To learn more about Best Money Moves Financial Wellness Platform, let’s schedule a call. Contact us and we’ll reach out to you soon.