Should Employers Require Unconscious Bias Training for Employees?
In this week’s Best Money Moves roundup, we take a look at news stories and new research studies that may impact employee benefits and HR issues. We hope you find this news roundup helpful, and we’d love your feedback.
As many HR professionals work toward building more inclusive and diverse workplaces, accounting and consulting firm Pricewaterhouse Coopers has announced it will mandate unconscious bias training for all of its employees. The move, initiated by Chairman Tim Ryan, came as a response to news coverage of the deaths of black men shot by police and the ensuing discussions about race.
The program will be developed by a leading researcher on unconscious bias from Harvard University to help employees understand how split-second decisions can impact their coworkers and how members of other racial or gender groups may perceive situations differently. Here’s how the company hopes the program will change its workforce.
What matters more to employees: promotions or raises? According to an October 2016 study, about two-thirds of employees (63 percent) say they would rather get a promotion with no salary increase than stay in the same position but get a raise. Here’s why.
Are managers in your company keeping secrets? A study conducted late last year found that 64 percent of employees think their leadership isn’t being completely transparent with them and many feel increased transparency would help boost their productivity. Learn how keeping secrets can slow your workforce down.
While real estate prices may stabilize slightly in 2017, housing costs are still one of the biggest sources of financial stress employees face. Employers can take small steps to help employees reduce this stress.
Say goodbye to the nine-to-five and the commute. As employers search for new perks to offer new hires, “flexible” jobs – jobs that offer flexible hours or the option to work from home – are becoming more common. But sometimes flexibility needs a more formal policy behind it.
January is a great time to think about wellness, but companies should keep this focus year-round. From tax time to back-to-school season, there are a myriad of things in and outside the workplace that can drag your team down. Watch out for and address these year-round stressors.
Company restructuring can be rough on employee retention. The stress and uncertainty of the transition can easily drive your top talent away in search of a more stable work environment. These nine strategies will encourage employees to stick around through the changes.
More companies are taking a holistic approach to employee wellness. These programs now add financial components to existing physical and emotional wellness initiatives, add technology for easier access and focus on better HR communications to increase awareness and participation.
The healthcare industry faces a lot of uncertainty in 2017 – particularly regarding the future of the Affordable Care Act – and that uncertainty is strongly felt by women. Here’s what the next year could mean for women’s healthcare in the workplace.
Heightened media attention regarding mental health issues is leading some employers to reexamine how they handle mental health issues in the workplace. Keep these three things in mind when evaluating your company’s mental health policies.
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It’s hard to stay on top of everything in the news. That’s why each week our Best Money Moves newsroom will bring you the most important news in financial wellness, employee benefits and financial stress. We hope you like the information and, if you do, please spread the word. For midweek developments, follow us on Twitter and on Facebook.