Best Money Moves Takes the Stress Out of Managing Your Finances

We help you tackle financial stress head-on, so you can spend less time worrying about money and more time enjoying life with those you love.

Financial Wellness Isn’t a Luxury

If you’re worried about money, you’re alone. More than 70% of Americans say financial problems are their main source of stress.

Best Money Moves is an all-in-one platform that helps you make better decisions about your money. This free benefit provides comprehensive educational tools and connects you with cutting-edge services that can help you achieve your financial goals.

Your financial life can be complicated. Best Money Moves is here to help.

What We Offer

Regain Control of Your Finances With Our Simple, User-Friendly Tools

After a short survey, our Stressometer takes your primary concerns and aggregates them into a single score.

Best Money Moves then takes your answers and provides comprehensive solutions to solve what’s holding you back the most.

Keep all of your finances in one place with our budgeting tools.

Search hundreds of articles in our resource library.

Access comprehensive User Journeys that break complex financial situations into simple steps.

Premium Features

The Best Money Moves Money Coaches are a team of NFCC-certified professional financial coaches available via phone hotline, who help people address tough financial issues. The call is always free and private to you and the coach.

We’ve developed a credit score tool that’s safe, easy-to-use and confidential. Log in to your Best Money Moves account, to check your VantageScore 3.0 from Equifax for free. Checking your credit score through Best Money Moves will not impact your score in any way.

These companies have partnered with Best Money Moves to provide solutions for common financial problems.

An image of BMM partners

Hear From BMM Users

I previously used BMM throughout my first home-buying experience. Now, a year later, I’ve found BMM to be helpful at managing finances, especially those unexpected costs that come with home ownership. As a new homeowner, it’s especially important to have a good grip on where your money and where it goes, so that when unexpected surprises come up you can feel more prepared.
Anne K.
I’ve really enjoyed Best Money Moves! I am able to track my expenses each month and budget my spending easily.
Ray S.
I have really enjoyed exploring all that Best Money Moves has to offer. It has videos, reading materials, and actually tools online that allows you to track and understand your spending better, make a better savings plan, and even information on how to increase household income and lower your expenses. There is so much valuable information on here! Everyone who has access should take the time to really explore all this tool has to offer.
Latecia P.
Best Money Moves is so easy to use and helps me stay on top of my budget. I love how it lets me know if I am currently overpaying on one of my bills. It’s a great tool to stay on top of things.
Princess G.
The site is so easy to navigate, and the courses are concise and easy to understand. What many people consider confusing was presented in very simple ways and terms we all understand.
Kevin M.
I have been seeking ways to “organize and track” my financial world and Best Money Moves has been helpful with getting me in the right direction.
Traci S.
I accessed a lot of BMM’s useful articles under the Resources tab. Even if the topic didn’t relate directly to my circumstances, they were very educational and helpful to have the knowledge.
Kathy D.