5 Key Insights About the Gig Economy in 2024

5 Key Insights About the Gig Economy in 2024

5 key insights about the gig economy in 2024. Gig work now makes up a significant portion or the American economy. Here are 4 key takeaways and trends from the gig economy in 2024.

The term “gig economy” refers to the collection of workers who receive income from short-term contracts, side hustles and freelancing. According to McKinsey’s American Opportunity Survey, 36% of respondents identified as independent workers, representing nearly 60 million Americans.

Gig workers now comprise a significant and ever-growing portion of the U.S. workforce, with many participating in the gig economy in addition to other, full-time employment. These workers offer unique perspectives on the nature of part-time work and are redefining what’s possible when it comes to building a career.

Here are 5 key takeaways from the gig economy in 2024.

A fact about the gig economy in 2024

1. The gig economy is dominated by immigrants and Gen Z workers

The benefits of working as a freelancer are attractive to a younger generation. Those in Gen Z tend to be more tech-savvy, utilizing the internet as a marketing tool to promote their talents and offerings, leading to an influx of younger workers.

Around 70% of Gen Z respondents consider freelance work a viable full-time career option, according to survey data from Fiverr. Another 41% of Gen Z respondents felt freelancing was a good way to increase their income amid economic uncertainty.

The gig economy is also highly attractive to first-generation immigrants. According to the same McKinsey survey data, nearly half of all surveyed immigrants participate in the gig economy. This type of work may be particularly attractive to immigrants as it often offers a lower barrier to entry. It also can be a helpful stepping stone to pursuing full-time employment.

2. Flexibility is king

Many gig economy employers allow employees to set their own hours, attracting employees away from more traditional jobs with the promise of increased flexibility. According to Financial Executives International, 63% of freelance workers cited flexibility as the number one reason they chose to enter the gig economy.

This flexibility is important to employees in more than just their schedules. One of the bigger draws of gig work is getting paid quickly and outside of a typical pay period structure. According to a survey by HRO Today, Almost 4 in 10 gig workers get paid immediately when their job is finished, as opposed to a more structured payout.

3. The majority of gig economy workers are not attempting to replace a full-time income

The point of adding on freelance work for many gig employees was not to replace full-time employment. Rather, it is to supplement their income to help pay for household bills and other expenses. According to that same survey by HRO Today, as many as 1 in 4 workers either do their gig work simply because they like it, or because they want to be more intentional with their spare time.

The growth in the gig economy is paired with the increase of interest in “side hustles”, a popular strategy to combat inflation and address rising costs. Gig work may help alleviate concern for employees to have a steady stream of income while within a fast-changing and rapidly evolving economy.

4. Many workers see their gigs not as the final step, but as a gateway to opportunity

Gig economy participants tend to be more optimistic about their future job prospects than full-time employees. According to the American Opportunity Survey by McKinsey, over 33% of gig workers say that they expect to have more economic opportunities in a year, as opposed to 20% of full-time employees.

This optimism is likely well-placed as the demand for gig positions only continues to grow across the U.S. A report by the World Bank found that the demand for gig work increased 41% between 2016 and 2023. If you are looking to start a financial wellness initiative in your business, try Best Money Moves.

5. Gig economy workers increasingly want better benefits

Due to the competitive nature of the gig economy for both employers and contractors, the availability of benefits can be an important factor for people choosing where to work. According to Financial Executives International, only 8% of female gig workers hold a pension plan. Pre-pandemic benefits such as health insurance and sick leave were considered as a trade-off to flexibility in permanent employment.

However, since 2020, there has been an increase in flexibility allowed by those positions especially seen with the increase of remote work. Companies that employ these freelancers are always trying to gain an advantage in hiring, and providing benefits offers a significant one.

To learn more about Best Money Moves Financial Wellness Platform, let’s schedule a call. Contact us and we’ll reach out to you soon.

4 Things You’re Missing About Employee Financial Stress

4 Things You’re Missing About Employee Financial Stress

4 things you’re missing about employee financial stress. Don’t overlook these important insights about how employee financial stress harms American workers.

When it comes to employee financial stress, employers and employees aren’t always on the same page.

In their 2023 Financial Wellness in the Workplace Report, PNC surveyed over 1,000 U.S. full-time workers across various organizations about employee financial wellness. When surveyed, 80% of employers felt their teams were at least somewhat financially prepared for the future – but only 50% of employees felt the same way. 

If you’re looking to create a happier, more financially secure workforce, don’t overlook these 4 insights from PNC about the impacts of employee financial stress.

A surprising statistic about the impacts of employee financial stress

1. Employees don’t have long-term financial security.

Despite feeling secure in their jobs, around 63% of all surveyed employees still live paycheck to paycheck, according to PNC data. These workers face unique challenges when it comes to paying down debt and saving for future financial goals. Employees living paycheck-to-paycheck can’t build emergency savings and are more susceptible to relying on credit cards and loans in the face of unexpected expenses. 

What’s more, employees are still feeling the effects of an uncertain economy. Ninety percent of employees report being negatively impacted by inflation with 81% finding it more difficult to put money into savings. Three out of every four employees worry that there will be a recession in the near future.

2. High-earners aren’t immune to employee financial stress.

While it may seem like employee financial stress is only an issue for young or economically disadvantaged employees, that’s simply not the case. Employees of all ages and income levels are feeling the weight of financial challenges. Of the surveyed employees who made $100,000 or more per year, fifty-seven percent still report feeling somewhat or very stressed about their financial situation. The numbers are even more severe for employees at lower income levels. For employees earning $50,000 to $99,999, 77% report the same financial challenges. For employees earning less than $50,000, the numbers jump to 79%. 

3. Employee financial stress impacts performance on the job. 

Employee financial stress has tangible consequences for a business’s bottom line. Eighty-seven percent of employees surveyed by PNC admit to thinking about their financial situation while on the job. On average, employees report spending three hours per week worrying about money. This distraction hasn’t gone unnoticed by employers — 75% percent feel that employee financial stress has negatively impacted business in the form of reduced productivity (39%), unhappy employees (18%) and overall poor performance outcomes (16%).

4. Employees expect their employers to take an interest in their financial well-being.

When asked for their opinion on solutions to target employee financial stress, 80 percent of respondents said they would stay longer with an employer who offered financial wellness benefits. Younger employees are especially anxious for this help, with 88 percent of respondents 21 to 34 years of age more likely to stay with a financially conscious employer.

Likewise, 96% of employers say financial wellness benefits positively impact retention. However, although employers agree that these benefits pay off, many still offer the bare minimum. Many will offer retirement matching but don’t include additional benefits such as financial counseling and education. Financial wellness benefits are a great way to help your company stand out amongst competitors when attracting and maintaining your workforce. 

Best Money Moves is an interactive financial wellness benefit that helps employees make smarter choices about their money. 

Whether employees are building their first budget, paying down debt, working toward homeownership or planning for retirement – Best Money Moves has the tools they need to turn financial goals into reality. 

Schedule a call with a member of our team to learn more about Best Money Moves. Contact us and we’ll reach out to you soon.

3 Reasons to Focus on Employee Financial Security

3 Reasons to Focus on Employee Financial Security

3 reasons to focus on employee financial security. Critical insights from recent data reveal the significant benefits of supporting employee financial security.

Significant inflation and economic turmoil have brought employee financial security into the spotlight. Recently, Mercer published their 2023-2024 Inside Employee’s Minds study and found that 78% of all employers surveyed felt a high to moderate level of concern regarding employee financial well-being. 

This worry isn’t without good reason. One of Mercer’s most pressing insights reveals that employees have a renewed focus on financial stability in 2024 — and they’re increasingly turning to their employers for help. 

Here are three key reasons employees’ financial security should be top of mind of employers in the new year and beyond.

an important insight into the need for employee financial security

1. Recent economic trends have made it harder for employees to maintain healthy personal finance habits.

Inflation has been a prevailing concern over the past year and the workforce has felt the effects. Seventy-two percent of employees surveyed by Mercer agreed with the following: “High Inflation and market volatility have significantly increased my financial stress.” What’s more, 51% of employees reported reducing their discretionary spending due to economic concerns. Another 37% had to reduce or tap into savings. 

When asked to rate their top unmet needs, “covering monthly expenses” and “being able to retire” topped the list of employee concerns. More than 10% of all employees surveyed had at least some concerns about their financial health. Financial stress has long been linked to poor outcomes at work. Stressed employees also feel less productive and experience higher rates of absenteeism.

2. Economic strain and financial stress threaten overall employee well-being.

Stress from inflation and similar economic turmoil seeps into aspects of everyday life. Some of the most crippling expenses that the American workforce face are related to healthcare. Only about three-fourths of employees feel they can afford needed healthcare without facing financial hardship. This includes employees making six figures. Moreover, for employees in lower income brackets, these numbers drop. Only around half feel they can afford needed care. 

Long-term stress takes a physical toll on the body, causing high blood pressure, headaches, insomnia, fatigue, and more. These stressed employees may in turn spread discontent in the workplace and negatively impact company culture. According to data collected by Gallup, stressed employees are more likely to butt heads with coworkers and superiors alike.

3. Competitive employers recognize the importance of employee financial security and supportive financial benefits. Economic strain and financial stress threaten overall employee well-being.

As personal finance woes have skyrocketed to the top of worker’s minds, financial security has become a key benefits incentive. Mercer’s research uncovered that one in three employees are considering leaving their employer because their benefits needs have not been met. 

More and more employers are integrating financial wellness tools into their benefits strategy, or plan to in the new feature. Mercer found that of their surveyed employers, 55% already offered some type of basic money management tool and another 27% hoped to integrate such tools soon. Fifty-three percent of employers also offered financial planning seminars and webinars with another 27% planning for such tools down the road. 

Support employee financial security with holistic financial wellness benefits.

Personal finance benefits can support employees of all ages and help employers to stand out in a crowded job market. 

Best Money Moves is an interactive financial wellness benefit that helps employees make smarter choices about their money. 

Whether employees are building their first budget, paying down debt, working toward homeownership or planning for retirement – Best Money Moves has the tools they need to turn financial goals into reality. 

Best Money Moves users gain access to a suite of debt trackers, budgeting calculators and a library of 900+ articles, videos and webinars. Our tools empower employees with actionable solutions to real-world problems. Best Money Moves users also receive exclusive member deals from our library of trusted benefits partners, including discounts on insurance, college planning prescription medications and so much more. 

Schedule a call with a member of our team to learn more about Best Money Moves. Contact us and we’ll reach out to you soon.

5 Surprising Statistics About the State of Employee Financial Wellness

5 Surprising Statistics About the State of Employee Financial Wellness

5 surprising statistics about the state of employee financial wellness. Economic uncertainty has reshaped how employees think about their benefits. Here are key insights into the state of employee financial wellness.

Economic uncertainty throughout the past few years has reshaped how employees think about their benefits. In their 2023 Workplace Benefits Report, Bank of America surveyed 800+ American workers, examining the success of their benefits programs. The responses illuminate the growing strain of financial stress on many workforces — and just how important financial wellness benefits are to offsetting that stress. 

Here are 5 key statistics from the survey that reveal important insights into the state of employee financial wellness.

A surprising statistic about the state of employee financial wellness

1. 63% of employees feel that economic uncertainty affects current and future workplace benefits and 401(k) retirement plans.

Employees feel the strain of prolonged economic uncertainty, although different generations show their stress differently.  Workers in the baby boomer generation are having to delay retirement due to the instability of the current economy. Millennial and Gen Z employees grapple with high levels of student debt and may worry about their current financial situation. But however your team is affected, one thing remains constant: workplace morale and productivity suffer.

Providing employer-sponsored financial benefits is one way to put your team at ease. 3 out of 5 respondents reported that they would feel confident investing in a 401(k) or alternative retirement plan through their employer will help build their savings for retirement.

2. Women feel economic strains more acutely: 39% of women had to look for additional employment to keep up with rising costs compared to 17% of men.

According to Bank of America, women generally feel financial stress more significantly than their male counterparts. More women lie awake at night worried about their personal finances and more women are worried that due to inflation, they won’t be able to make ends meet. The workplace benefits that you provide need to be tailored to each employee and account for differences between demographics. A static solution that is the same for everyone does not address the complex needs that the world of personal finance creates.

3. The percentage of employees that prioritized saving for retirement has dropped by ⅓.

As economic situations fluctuate, the priorities of your workplace do as well. As retirement planning dropped in focus, employees prioritized paying off credit card debt and building an emergency savings fund. These statistics highlight the need for a comprehensive financial wellness program. A band-aid solution such as a 401(k) matching plan or something similar may work in some years, especially prosperous ones. However, these programs need to do a better job of lending a hand to your workforce during turbulent economic periods.

4. 2 in 5 workers rate their employee financial wellness as “good or excellent”, the lowest figure since 2010.

This is alarming but not necessarily surprising, considering the tumultuous economic strain of the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic and subsequent years. When surveyed, only 56% of employees said that they felt optimistic about the future, a decrease from 61% the previous year. As these feelings persist, it becomes more imperative for employers to provide some form of financial wellness solution to help employees build financial confidence.

5. ¾ of workers feel that employee financial wellness is the responsibility of their employer

This idea of improved financial wellness does not solely come from increasing pay. The responsibility also encompasses employers that must instill healthy personal finance habits through education or additional resources. Not only do employees think it’s the responsibility of their company, but employers think so as well. Ninety-six percent of employers that Bank of America surveyed said that their employee’s financial wellness is on their shoulders. However, there is a disconnect between what companies say and how they’ve put their thoughts into action. Currently, only 40% of companies offer any sort of financial wellness program.

Address employee financial wellness head-on with help from Best Money Moves.

Best Money Moves is a mobile-first financial wellness solution designed to help dial down employees’ most top-of-mind financial stresses. As an easy-to-use financial well-being solution, Best Money Moves offers comprehensive support toward any money-related goal. With 1:1 money coaching, budgeting tools and other resources, our AI platform is designed to help improve employee financial well-being. 

Whether it be retirement planning or securing a mortgage, Best Money Moves can guide employees through the most difficult financial times and topics. We have robust benefits options for employers, regardless of their benefits budget. 

Our dedicated resources, partner offerings and 700+ article library make Best Money Moves a leading benefit in bettering employee financial wellness.

To learn more about Best Money Moves Financial Wellness Platform, let’s schedule a call. Contact us and we’ll reach out to you soon.

What are employee wellness initiatives? (Plus, 5 key initiatives for your team)

What are employee wellness initiatives? (Plus, 5 key initiatives for your team)

What are employee wellness initiatives? Wellness initiatives can give your benefits plan a powerful boost. Here are 5 key initiatives to try for your team.

Eighty-seven percent of employees consider health and wellness benefits when choosing an employer, according to a study by recruiting website Zippia. Adding wellness initiatives programs to your benefits package can provide your company an advantage in attracting talent over your competitors. 

Here’s what to know about employee wellness initiatives as well as 5 key initiatives that your team can implement to improve the employee experience.

a surprising statistic about the need for employee wellness initiatives

What are employee wellness initiatives?

Employee wellness initiatives are benefits programs that a company provides its employees. The purpose of these solutions is to promote the health and wellbeing of all the members of the office. Not only do companies see improvements in their workers mental and physical health, they often will see positive returns on their productivity and quality of work as well. In addition to cultivating a better work environment, according to the same Zippia study, 72% of employers saw a reduction in their healthcare costs after implementing these programs. 

These wellness programs can come in many different forms. Here are 5 key wellness initiatives to help your team succeed.

1. Fitness classes and health education

Encouraging your employees to exercise can positively impact both their physical and mental health. Fitness benefits can also appeal to all manner of employees, whether they enjoy complex lifting courses or low-impact aerobics. Providing stipends for these classes offers a cost-saving alternative to building an on-site gym or health club.

2. Schedule flexibility

In the post-COVID-19 workforce, flex-time is one of the most requested employee benefits. Employees want the ability to set their schedule for when to come into the office and when to work from home. The flexibility has the added benefit of reducing stress and anxiety in the workplace which will help increase productivity in the long run. Flexibility also provides added benefits for working parents trying to balance work and childcare duties.

3. Health screenings

Common reasons that people don’t go to the doctor include a fear of what a routine checkup might cost, a feeling of embarrassment or they lack access to the proper resources. All of these issues can be alleviated by providing onsite health screenings. Screenings only take 15-20 minutes of people’s time and to increase participation, can be provided during work hours.

Some employees may be dissuaded or nervous in volunteering in a program like this. Common incentives for participation include cash bonuses, reducing contributions towards health insurance and providing a flexible spending account.

4. Wellness goals

Declaring a shared goal that employees work on together while encouraging others to participate and excel in the programs helps raise the participation percentage of the benefits and can double as team-bonding exercises as well.

These goals can be carried out individually or workers can form teams and try to achieve them together. Some common challenges that workplaces have thought up are meditation, drinking more water, keeping a gratitude journal and walking/biking to work.

5. Financial wellness programs

Only 42% of employees rate their financial wellness as good or excellent, according to a report by Bank of America. But 76% of employees feel that it’s their employer’s responsibility to help them bridge the gaps in their financial wellbeing.

In response, many companies have started to provide financial wellness programs that assist clients with their budgets and guide them on a path towards financial security. When it comes to financial wellness programs, the best path forward is to provide a comprehensive one. Personal finance comes with unique issues for each of your employees and requires holistic answers for employees of all ages and financial backgrounds.

Give your team best-in-class employee financial wellness initiatives like Best Money Moves.

Best Money Moves is a mobile-first financial wellness solution designed to help dial down employees’ most top-of-mind financial stresses. As an easy-to-use financial well-being solution, Best Money Moves offers comprehensive support toward any money-related goal. With 1:1 money coaching, budgeting tools and other resources, our AI platform is designed to help bolster employee financial wellbeing.  

Whether paying off debt or securing a mortgage, Best Money Moves can guide employees through the most difficult financial times and topics. We have robust benefits options for employers, regardless of their benefits budget. 

Our dedicated resources, partner offerings and 900+ article library make Best Money Moves a leading benefit in bettering employee financial wellness.

To learn more about Best Money Moves Financial Wellness Platform, let’s schedule a call. Contact us and we’ll reach out to you soon.