Ilyce Glink

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About Ilyce Glink

Ilyce Glink is the founder/CEO of Best Money Moves. She is an award winning television and radio personality, a nationally-syndicated columnist and is author to a dozen books including the best-selling 100 Questions Every First-Time Home Buyer Should Ask and Buy, Close, Move In. She also hosts the podcast Monday Morning Marketing with Ilyce Glink and John Byrne and is a frequent guest/host for WGN Radio's Wintrust Business Lunch. Her awards include Best Magazine Report, Best Blog, and Best Television Report from the National Association of Real Estate Editors. She was also the first to receive the Money $mart award from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and received two Peter Lisagor Awards for Exemplary Journalism from the Chicago Headline Club.

Millennials Turn To Employers For Financial Wellness

By |November 16th, 2017|Categories: For Employees, For Employers|Tags: , , |

Who cares most about money? Millennials do. And in a twist, they’re turning to their employers for financial wellness information and tools they can trust. According to new findings from Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s 2017 Workplace Benefits Report Millennial [...]

Could Cloud Computing Help Improve Your Productivity?

By |November 8th, 2017|Categories: For Employees, For Employers|Tags: , |

In this week’s Best Money Moves roundup, we take a look at news stories and new research studies that may impact employee benefits and HR issues. We hope you find this news roundup helpful, and we’d love your feedback. Will [...]

Financial Stress and the Workforce: Your Employees Are Worrying About Money Troubles

By |September 28th, 2017|Categories: For Employees, For Employers|Tags: , |

In this week’s Best Money Moves roundup, we take a look at news stories and new research studies that may impact employee benefits and HR issues. We hope you find this news roundup helpful, and we’d love your feedback. Your [...]

Open Enrollment and Financial Stress: What Employees Need to Know

By |November 2nd, 2016|Categories: For Employers|Tags: , , , , |

One of the biggest sources of financial stress Americans face is healthcare: both finding the coverage they need and the cost of obtaining it. Open enrollment season for the US Health Insurance Marketplace is here and it’s time for those [...]

3 Money Moves that Might Haunt You and How to Avoid Them

By |October 26th, 2016|Categories: For Employers|Tags: , , , , , , |

Not every money move is a good one, but some can come back to really haunt you. Consider these potentially scary money moves: Borrowing money for your children’s education; helping a friend by co-signing a lease or mortgage; and, opening [...]

Having a Hard Time Saving Money? So is Everyone Else

By |October 19th, 2016|Categories: For Employers|Tags: , , , , , , |

Are you having a hard time saving money? Well, saving money doesn’t come easily for anyone, whether it’s a retirement account or an emergency fund. But it turns out most people are struggling with it as much - or more [...]

How to Help Prevent – and Recover From – Identity Theft

By |October 12th, 2016|Categories: For Employers|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Financial stress in the workplace often comes directly from worries about the unexpected: job loss, surprise expenses or injuries. Identity theft and fraud are becoming an increasingly common source of financial worry for employees. According to a recent survey from [...]

Student Loans Are Coming Due. Are You Ready?

By |October 5th, 2016|Categories: For Employers|Tags: , , , , , |

It’s the start of fall, a few weeks until Halloween, and another significant milestone as well; student loans are coming due for May 2016 graduates. Federal student loans typically have a six-month grace period after graduation to allow borrowers an [...]

Feeling Sick? Financial Stress Isn’t Just About Numbers

By |September 28th, 2016|Categories: For Employers|Tags: , , , , |

Are you feeling sick? Do you find yourself just sniffling away, coughing and sneezing? Unable to shake what should be a two-day head cold? The problem might not be germs, but what’s in your wallet. There are plenty of money-centric [...]

3 Simple Budget Saves That Will Lower Your Financial Stress

By |September 21st, 2016|Categories: For Employees, For Employers|Tags: , , , , , |

Financial stress is overwhelming - and more so when every little thing seems to pile on top of each other. With so many financial issues for you to tackle, sometimes it seems like a miracle is the only possible way [...]