In this week’s Best Money Moves roundup, we take a look at news stories and new research studies that may impact employee benefits and HR issues. We hope you find this news roundup helpful, and we’d love your feedback.
Have your employees been groggier than usual this week? It’s not just the switch to Daylight Saving Time that’s causing it – it’s workplace stress.
A recent CareerBuilder survey found that more than a quarter of workers say they don’t get enough sleep and 47 percent – almost half! – say workplace stress and thinking about work contributes to their sleepless nights.
That becomes an issue when they head to the office, as 60 percent said lack of sleep has negatively impacted their work and 22 percent have called in sick to catch up on sleep, leading to even more workplace stress down the road.
Your workforce isn’t working to its full capacity – and is likely to face even more workplace stress – if half the office is asleep at their desks. So what can you do to help employees relax and get more shut-eye?
While your employees are stressed about work, they’re even more stressed about their money. A majority of workers surveyed by Guardian Life Insurance said money is their number one source of stress, with more than 60 percent struggling with debt. Here’s how that stress is harmful to their physical and mental health.
And on that note, financial counseling can drastically reduce your employees’ financial stress. A recent study found that 86 percent of employees who underwent financial counseling reported decreased financial stress as a result. (This is why accredited Money Coaches are such a big part of the Best Money Moves program!)
Will working out make you rich? A recent survey found workers who’re on the right financial track share a number of factors, including regular exercise and participation in multiple workplace benefits. Here’s what that means for your employees.
Nonprofits struggle with high employee turnover rates. Whether it’s the sometimes-stressful work or lower-than-average paychecks, it’s tough to hang on to their employees. Five experts offer tips to keep your employees around.
Employees’ needs are changing, and your benefits offerings should match. When was the last time you re-evaluated your company’s benefits strategy? Three tips to get you started.
Student debt assistance is the hottest new employee benefit. A new survey found it fell just behind health insurance and 401(k) matching in terms of popularity among employees aged 22 to 33. This is why they love it.
The 9-to-5 work day doesn’t look like it used to. Technology grants employees more flexibility with where, when and how they get the job done. Here’s how employers can keep up.
New York has taken a step toward paid family leave for all employees. The program will be funded through payroll deductions and leave will be available for employees who have worked at least 26 weeks for their current employer. Here’s what employer need to know.
Americans are still struggling to save for retirement. In fact, 40 million working-age households don’t have any retirement savings at all, according to the Federal Reserve Bank’s Survey of Consumer Finances. 10 ways to boost retirement savings.
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It’s hard to stay on top of everything in the news. That’s why each week our Best Money Moves newsroom will bring you the most important news in financial wellness, employee benefits and financial stress. We hope you like the information and, if you do, please spread the word. For midweek developments, follow us on Twitter and on Facebook.