In this week’s Best Money Moves roundup, we take a look at news stories and new research studies that may impact employee benefits and HR issues. We hope you find this news roundup helpful, and we’d love your feedback.

If your company is struggling with employee retention, the solution may be much simpler than you think.

It starts with verbally recognizing your employees when they do a good job. Then, it doesn’t hurt to offer incentives that encourage them to continue performing at their best.

An effective incentives program rewards employees who are engaged, thriving and doing great work. People appreciate when employers value their contributions, and incentives (such as gift cards or travel) could help reinforce the sentiment. Employees who feel like they are contributing to a company’s larger goals and culture are much more likely to stick around.  

Ready to boost your employee retention rates with an incentives program? Here are four tips to get you started.

Can you stop your employees from quitting? It’s not always possible, but you can make an effort if you know an employee is searching for other opportunities. Here are 25 signs your employees are about to leave.

Millennials really want more financial education. The vast majority of them (about 81 percent) are saving for retirement, but many say they need more help getting their financial lives in order. That’s where employee financial wellness programs come in.

Is financial stress putting a damper on your summer fun? It doesn’t have to. Try these three simple budget saves.

Nearly one-third of companies have increased their benefits offerings in the last year, according to a recent SHRM survey. The top reason for the boost is to stay competitive and recruit new talent.

Do your employees’ eyes glaze over in benefits meetings? It’s time to break away from the PowerPoint presentations and try a new medium. Upgrade your benefits presentation.

Employees who take vacations are more productive, according to a new study. The study found that low-performing employees take an average of five fewer vacation days than their high-performing colleagues. So go ahead, take a break.

Wellness programs catch on when company higher-ups lead by example. Visible signs of support from executives – such as participating in the company’s wellness or exercise classes – make employees more likely to participate.

Ping pong tables are fun, but you need more than that for a great company culture. Here’s how one company established a workplace ecosystem that made absenteeism and turnover almost non-existent.

Financial wellness programs are hugely popular right now. Could you improve what your company offers? Check out these 10 tips.

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