In this week’s Best Money Moves roundup, we take a look at news stories and new research studies that may impact employee benefits and HR issues. We hope you find this news roundup helpful, and we’d love your feedback.

Saving for retirement is important, but it’s not the only path to financial security.

In fact, there’s a whole lot more that goes into building financial security than just stuffing your retirement savings into a 401(k), IRA or other investment vehicle.

A recent study found that 98 percent of respondents have a retirement plan, but 71 percent didn’t have an emergency fund stocked with at least three months of expenses.

That means that if these folks lost their job, were injured or faced another financial emergency, they’d be out of luck and extremely financially stressed.That stress comes with them into the workplace, and it’s why employers need to help their workers see the bigger financial security picture.

Is your company’s location hurting employee retention? Businesses in Los Angeles say the area’s high housing costs are keeping top talent out of the area. Some employers offset these costs with specially designed hiring packages.

Can Fido or Fluffy reduce stress in your office? One study found that bringing their pets to work reduces the amount of stress employees feel. Six tips for making your office pet-friendly.

Millennials think retirement is a long way off, but it’s closer than they think. Are your Millennial employees asking these retirement questions?

The GOP’s financial policies raise concerns for retirees. Some worry that delaying the fiduciary rule and blocking Obama-era rules allowing cities and counties to set up retirement savings plans for private-sector employees will cause more hardships. Read three suggestions for improving retirement outcomes.

Too many tools and processes get in the way of employee productivity. Employees want to do a good job, but complicated office procedures slow them down. Here are four ways HR leaders can simplify office elements.

Building company culture doesn’t just mean making employees happy. Ideally, your employees are happy to come to work, but employee engagement should be your company’s main objective. How to focus on what matters.

Would you prefer a lump sum retirement benefit or a monthly annuity? A recent study found that retirees who choose a lump sum are likely to spend it too quickly, while an annuity forces retirees to spread out their spending.

Managers are responsible for 70 percent of employee motivation, so it stands to reason that a bad manager makes employees more likely to seek other opportunities. These nine manager mistakes make employees quit.

The nitty-gritty financial facts behind investing and savings can be confusing. A recent survey found many Americans are confused on key financial concepts, setting them up for financial stress later. Do your employees understand these three basic financial facts?

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It’s hard to stay on top of everything in the news. That’s why each week our Best Money Moves newsroom will bring you the most important news in financial wellness, employee benefits and financial stress. We hope you like the information and, if you do, please spread the word. For midweek developments, follow us on Twitter and on Facebook.