In this week’s Best Money Moves roundup, we take a look at news stories and new research studies that may impact employee benefits and HR issues. We hope you find this news roundup helpful, and we’d love your feedback.

Does non-cash compensation really matter? A reported 4 out of 5 employees say they would prefer a benefits increase over a pay raise. In recent years, unique and thoughtful workplace benefits have not only become more important to applicants, your current employees expect them as well.

Nobody wants to be dragging their feet all day! Your team wants to be engaged, productive and happy at work – in line with a healthy work-life balance. Providing unlimited vacation days or having a gourmet chef on premises are certainly not the only ways to keep your employees satisfied with their jobs.

During this holiday season, we all have giving on our minds but if you’re a small business, you may find that you’re simply unable to budget for additional employee contributions this year. Well, a  great way to circumvent the cost of individual bonuses or gifts is to improve your employees’ overall benefits in an inexpensive way that’s sure to impress and please everyone in the office.

They say that it’s the little things that count. Well, when it comes to employee benefits, it’s perks of all sizes that will keep your team members happy, healthy, productive and coming back for more.

These five employee benefits will be gifts that keep on giving.

Open Enrollment closes December 15, 2017. Are your employees ready? Unexpected personal health care costs bring financial stress to the workplace. You care about your employees’ wellbeing and arming them with resources and assistance will not only show that you care, it can make a significant difference in their lives.  5 ways to help your employees, before it’s too late.

Open over the holidays? Make sure your employees are taken care of. When implementing holiday schedules, pay and perks, common practice varies from legal requirements. But at the end of the holiday season, it’s going to be your employees who will make note of the difference. Give your employees some cheer this holiday season.

Want to improve productivity in the office? Lower employee financial stress. Study after study shows that employees are stressed over personal finances – and it’s affecting your company’s bottom line. Helping your team find organization and relief within their own bottom lines will greatly improve workplace stress, enjoyment and productivity. Employee stress reducers inside.

Are you or someone you know under the age of 40? If so, listen up: The newly passed tax plan severely “kicks millennials in the teeth, taking from their future, to give to the richest Americans in the present.” What’s done is done. So, the best money move for you, your kids, your employees and your business is to plan for your present as well as your future, today. The new tax plan explained.

Does your Company offer Paternal Leave? It should. 83 percent of America’s largest workforce claims that receiving this family benefit would be a deciding factor when accepting a new position. And, 38 percent of employees under 38 years old offered to take a position abroad if it offered better family leave policies. Are you losing out on quality staff?  How do you measure up?

Millennials have stepped up to the plate. It turns out that Millennials aren’t job-hopping any more than anyone else. These employees want long-term employment opportunities with solid benefits including: convenient access to healthcare, flexible work hours and financial education programs.  Understand your employees’ benefits expectations.

Is your company prepared for a data breach? Cyber security is nothing new but, believe it or not, many companies are still a few steps behind the times when it comes to system integrity. A significant amount of data breaches that occur involve human resource – related information. Take the steps to prepare. Become an expert by securing your clients – and your company.

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